Where does the sudden deterioration in vision come from?

Author: Dr. Victor Derhartunian 11 January 2024

The eyes are an amazing sensory organ that plays a crucial role in our daily lives.
However, numerous factors, from genetic predispositions to environmental stresses, can lead to vision deterioration and therefore affect quality of life.
In this blog, we will provide informative insights into the world of eye health – from the causes of vision deterioration to symptoms and modern treatment options through laser eye surgery.

What is visual impairment?

No matter how old or young you are: There is always a certain risk that your eyesight will start to deteriorate.
This process starts earlier for some, later for others and faster for some than for others.
Visual deterioration is individual and can
in different forms – depending on the cause occur.
But what is always the same:

Anyone who experiences a deterioration in vision suffers from the consequences of a loss of vision.
Sharp vision at close range, distance or in the intermediate range is restricted and those affected need to think about what they can do about it.

The view through a healthy eye

To understand why there is a deterioration in vision you should at least have a rough idea of how a healthy eye works to produce a sharp image.
The process is actually very complex, but can be broken down as follows:

  1. Light rays enter the eye and are refracted by the cornea.
  2. The refracted light passes through the pupils, which can constrict or dilate depending on the light conditions in order to regulate the amount of incoming light.
  3. The “movable” lens focuses the incident light in order to concentrate it on the retina.
  4. The retina contains light-sensitive cells.
    Light is projected onto the retina and converted into electrical signals by the cells.
  5. These electrical signals are transmitted via the optic nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted and converted into a visual image.

As you can see, there are a number of places where problems can occur that can lead to a Deterioration of vision entry.

Possible causes of visual disturbances

There are numerous causes of vision loss.
It is therefore important that you seek advice from a specialist at the onset of a noticeable deterioration in vision.
Examine a professional ophthalmologist to a specialist.
Only they can reliably diagnose the cause and give tips on how to prevent visual deterioration.

The most common causes of a decrease in vision are

Symptoms of visual deterioration or eye diseases

The symptoms of visual deterioration depend largely on the underlying cause.
However, there are signs that can clearly indicate that your eyesight is not good, especially if they are present at the same time.

The most obvious sign is of course blurred and out-of-focus vision – also double vision. Those affected find it particularly difficult to recognize details in the distance or up close.
But also a
Increased sensitivity to light and the resulting glare are not normal.
This also means that, especially at night, the
Seeing in poor lighting conditions is particularly difficult.
As a result of overstimulation and exertion, many people have
Frequent headaches and eye pain and can no longer concentrate as well for as long (accompanying symptoms).
But also the
Perception of colors can change.
If left untreated, a sudden deterioration in vision can, in the worst case, lead to permanent damage and even blindness.

Changes in visual acuity

The deterioration in vision often does not occur overnight.
It develops slowly and becomes more and more severe until it becomes permanent.
It is therefore important that you keep an eye on the development.
In hectic everyday life, the brain otherwise becomes so accustomed to the change that you only notice how severe it has become when it is already well advanced.

From a certain age – when the risk of visual deterioration increases – it can help to have regular check-ups with your ophthalmologist.
For people who already wear glasses or contact lenses, the deterioration in vision is noticeable because the prescription needs to be adjusted more frequently.

Vision deterioration Diagnosis: What the ophthalmologist does

Modern medicine is now so advanced that there is a suitable treatment method for every visual defect and almost every eye disease that gives those affected quality of life and a clear view of the finer things in life again.

Eye examinations for vision loss

An individual and holistic diagnosis is required before the best treatment for visual impairment can be found.
Instead of just dealing with the symptoms, the cause should be tackled in order to be able to see well again in the long term.
A visit to the ophthalmologist is completely painless for you:

  • Medical history: Individual interview, medical history, symptoms, lifestyle and risk factors.
  • Eye test and refraction measurement: Detect defective vision and measure refractive errors.
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure
  • Examination of Eye movements and coordination
  • Eye structure examination and examination of the fundus of the eye
  • Color vision test for color vision disorders
  • If required: Further imaging procedures

Once the cause has been found, you can compare the different treatment methods and choose the one that best suits you and your lifestyle.

What helps?
Therapy for visual impairment

In addition to the use of eye drops, eye exercises, limiting screen time and adjusting lifestyle, there are two treatment approaches in particular that lead to immediate improvement:

Glasses and contact lenses

If the visual impairment is due to a visual defect such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness or astigmatism the visual defect can be compensated for by wearing glasses or by inserting contact lenses.
These are precisely adapted to your eyes and ensure clear vision over all distances.
Even with presbyopia, there are
special multifocal lenses, which compensate for the deterioration in vision.

However, you are then dependent on wearing visual aids if you want to see clearly.
Without glasses or contact lenses, you will continue to lose your sight.
For some people, this means a loss of flexibility and quality of life.

Laser eye surgery for visual impairment

If you want to have optimal vision in the long term without having to rely on visual aids, you should look into refractive surgery.
Incredible progress has been made in this field of medicine in recent years, meaning that almost any cause of visual impairment can be cured with the appropriate, minimally invasive procedure.
We at
EyeLaser Vienna offer you the following laser eye treatments:


Find out more about laser eye surgery for vision loss at your laser eye center in Vienna.
Arrange your consultation now
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Dr. Victor Derhartunian

Nachdem er sein Handwerk von den beiden Pionieren der Laserchirurgie gelernt hat, gehört Dr. Victor Derhartunian zu den führenden Augenlaser-Chirurgen. Er leitet die Praxis in Wien und kann seine Patienten in fünf Sprachen beraten.