Crosslinking for keratoconus

Author: Dr. Victor Derhartunian 11 September 2024

Keratoconus is a progressive form of corneal ectasia.
The progression of the disease can be halted by increasing collagen cross-links using CXL – the cross-links ensure increased corneal firmness.

Crosslinking and collagen crosslinking

Keratoconus is characterized by a protrusion of the cornea caused by the abnormal reduction of crosslinks.
Crosslinks connect the collagens in the tissue.
If there are too few crosslinks, the biomechanics of the cornea are impaired.
The cornea becomes softer, thinner and protrusion is possible.

Crosslinks in old age

The crosslinks increase with age – as a result, bodies generally become stiffer and stiffer.
On the other hand, this is the reason why keratoconus stagnates in advanced age and deterioration becomes less likely.

CXL treatment for keratoconus

Crosslinking increases the cross-links again.
As a result, the cornea becomes firmer and the progression of keratoconus is halted.

This is a new type of treatment method that is proving to be very effective.
In studies and experiments, an increase in firmness of 450% was achieved.
The effect was detectable within a few hours.

Crosslinking procedure

The two main elements of the CXL treatment: vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and UV-A light.

Depending on the type of treatment chosen, the ephitel is removed beforehand.
The treatment is painless thanks to anesthetic eye drops.
Riboflavin is then applied.
After the exposure time, the light source (UV radiation) is directed at the eye.

An inserted protective lens ensures that the healing process is not impaired during the first few days.

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Dr. Victor Derhartunian

Nachdem er sein Handwerk von den beiden Pionieren der Laserchirurgie gelernt hat, gehört Dr. Victor Derhartunian zu den führenden Augenlaser-Chirurgen. Er leitet die Praxis in Wien und kann seine Patienten in fünf Sprachen beraten.