What is refractive lens replacement?

When replacing refractive lenses (also known as cataract surgery for cloudy lens), the natural lens is the natural lenswhich is the cause of the vision defect (affected by cataracts) replacement with an artificial lens. At EyeLaser, we offer two options for lens replacement, each of which has two areas of application:

Lens replacement: without glasses with multifocal / EDOF lenses

  • Cataract surgery: cataracts (including complex vision correction)
  • Correction: severe visual defects, including presbyopia and astigmatism

Standard lens replacement: premium monofocal lens

  • Cataract surgery: cataracts (including correction of myopia or hyperopia)
  • Correction: severe visual impairment (reading glasses are required)

Whether you are having a standard/lifestyle lens replacement for cataract treatment (cataract surgery combined with vision correction), to get rid of presbyopia or to correct a vision defect (refractive lens replacement): The procedure for minimally invasive surgery is always the same.
The difference between the options is that
Requirements for participants, results, and costs.

Lens replacement at EyeLaser is a way of life:

The lifetime option of lens replacement or cataract surgery is characterized by the following high-quality premium lens (multifocal lens) is inserted.
An artificial lens can correct all visual defects:
Nearsightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia and astigmatism. You will never ever have to wear glasses or contact lenses again. wear out.
Like any other artificial lens, it is also used to replace the natural lens that has become cloudy due to cataracts.

Multifocal lenses:

Multifocal lenses (MFLs) have more than one focal point, allowing you to see at near, medium and far distances – without the need to wear glasses or contact lenses.
A special advantage over monofocal lenses is that they can also correct astigmatism.

EDOF lenses:

We offer you the latest generation of lenses: Isofocal lenses (EDOF).
These special multifocal lenses focus primarily on distance and intermediate range vision.
This works by providing an area of increased depth of field that makes the transition between near and far vision smoother.

This makes your viewing experience even more natural and impressive.

Standard lens replacement in EyeLaser:

With the standard version of lens replacement or cataract surgery, you will receive A premium monofocal lens is in use.
This lens has only one point of focus.
Therefore, it can
only one visual defect was fixed It can be: Nearsightedness or farsightedness.
For this reason, patients should also wear
Reading glasses for sharp vision at close range wear resistance.
The aspherical lens has a UV filter, hydrophobic coating and provides high image quality.

Astigmatism and presbyopia cannot be cured with a monofocal lens – but severe farsightedness (usually in combination with cataracts) can be treated with a monofocal lens.

Do I meet the requirements for lens exchange?

Lens replacement is a treatment option if you suffer from cataracts, presbyopia, and possibly other vision defects.
As a rule, we only perform cataract surgery or refractive lens replacement for patients who
over 55 years of age or have severe farsightedness (hyperopia).

For younger patients (without cataracts), laser eye surgery using the PresbyMAX or ICL phakic lens is an option.
Conventional laser eye surgery is usually not the first choice in the presence of presbyopia.

Sharing lifestyle lenses:

  • High myopia from -6 diopters
  • High farsightedness: from +4 diopters
  • Regular astigmatism
  • No amblyopia (severe unilateral visual impairment)
  • Absence of retinal diseases (e.g. macular degeneration)
  • No glaucoma
  • No sore or scarred cornea

Standard lens replacement:

  • High myopia from -6 diopters
  • High farsightedness: from +4 diopters
  • Correction of corneal curvature is not possible
  • No (serious) eye diseases – except for cataracts
  • At least 40+ years old

Are you a good fit?
Free aptitude test at EyeLaser

For patients who are considering lens replacement surgery to finally have a clear view of the beautiful things in life (without glasses or contact lenses), we offer a free and non-binding lens fit test: 0 euros

Make an appointment

Costs of lens surgery

Benefits of replacing lenses with multifocal lenses (lifestyle)

  • Fix all visual defects:

Multifocal lens corrects myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia і even astigmatism (astigmatism) permanently in just one procedure.

  • Cure cataracts permanently:

No blurred, foggy vision More.
The multifocal artificial lens is transparent and prevents the development of cataracts (again).

  • No more glasses or contact lenses:

You can see clearly at all distances and no longer depend on wearing glasses or contact lenses.
It gives you
Quality of life and freedom.

Benefits of replacing the lens with a monofocal (standard) lens

  • Cure cataracts permanently:

With the operation to remove cloudy lens remove the cloudy lens enjoy the beautiful things in life without a veil and never suffer (again) from cataracts in the future.

  • A sharp look into the distance:

Even if you wear reading glasses for sharp near vision, you can still use your gaze into the distance without having to wear glasses.

  • Cost savings (+ cost absorption):

Compared to multifocal lenses, you save 1,000 euros per eye and in the case of cataract treatment, the costs are the costs can be covered by health insurance possibly.

Even more precise and safe: lens replacement combined with laser eye surgery

At EyeLaser, you can use the femtosecond laser to perform lens replacement with the femtosecond laser even safer, gentler and more precise. that needs to be performed.
Where a surgeon would use a scalpel, the computer laser makes an incision and shreds the lens with millimeter precision – more delicately than a manually operated scalpel could ever do.

Using a laser to replace lenses is optional (can be used for standard and lifestyle lens replacement/cataract surgery) and does not affect visual acuity. visual acuity.

Correction of presbyopia, vision defects and cataract surgery

Regardless of whether you choose cataract surgery or lens replacement – a standard monofocal lens or a multifocal lens – you can continue your normal lifestyle: The lens replacement procedure is always the same and is completely painless, safe and promising for you as a patient.

Allow about two hours for the entire visit.
refractive lens replacement (RLA) takes only 15 minutes.

Preliminary examinations and preparation

During the preliminary examination, an individualized treatment plan is developed for you, optimally designed to treat your visual defect or eye disease.

On the day of the operation, your pupils will be dilated with the help of medications.
After 30 minutes, the eye is anesthetized with an anesthetic drop so that the lens replacement procedure is completely painless for you.

Cutting, shredding and vacuuming

First, a tiny incision (2.2 – 2.4 mm) is made at the edge of the cornea.
This is necessary so that the lens capsule can be opened circumferentially.
With the help of modified ultrasound (phacoemulsification), the natural lens is liquefied or crushed and sucked out.

If you decide to use a femtosecond laser, the incision is not made with a scalpel, but with high precision using a laser.
In both cases, the result is that the empty lens capsule (also known as the capsular bag) is left behind.

Installation of an artificial lens

An artificial lens (monofocal or multifocal) is implanted through a tiny incision using an injector.
The folded lens can unfold and take the place of the natural lens.
Substances used during the operation are removed by suction, and the wound is sutured.

Postoperative care

To prevent infections, we immediately inject an antibiotic into the anterior chamber.
After the operation, you will be given appropriate eye drops, which should also prevent inflammation.
A protective membrane protects against external influences such as friction for the first few days.
Pay attention to it:

  • Do not apply any pressure to the operated eye
  • No physical activity
  • Use of the pool and sauna is prohibited
  • Read less to avoid eye strain
  • Follow the drip schedule

The next day, we meet again at EyeLaser in Vienna or Linz for a second examination (appointment 1 of 2).

The cost of replacing lenses: Invest in quality of life

The cost of lens replacement is one-time and do not require no further costs are required after that.
Not only general expenses are amortized: This is especially true for
achieved quality of life makes lens replacement (cataracts) a life-changing treatment, the cost of which can hardly be measured financially.

Over the course of a lifetime, wearing glasses can quickly cost 10,000 euros or more.
Contact lenses (and daily disposable lenses) cost even more.
Do you suffer from
cataractsyou cannot reduce the associated limitations with conventional vision aids or stop the progression of lens opacification. Here you can learn more about the possibility of coverage of expenses by the health insurance fund in the case of lens replacement and tax accounting of expenses.
In particular, in the case of
Standard cataract surgery there is a good chance that you will be reimbursed (at least partially).

Standard Linsenaustausch (Katarakt)
2.500 €
  • Price per eye
  • ab 48 Euro / Monat*
  • Katarakt, Alterssichtigkeit, Kurz- & Weitsichtigkeit
  • Hochwertige Standard Linsen (Lesebrille erforderlich)
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur nicht inklusive
Lifestyle lens replacement (cataract)
3.500 €
  • Price per eye
  • from 68 euros / month*
  • Katarakt, Alterssichtigkeit, Kurz- & Weitsichtigkeit
  • Spectacle-free thanks to custom-made multifocal lenses (trifocal / EDOF)
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive
Femtosecond laser surcharge
990 €
  • Price per eye
  • ab 29 Euro / Monat*
  • Computerassistierter Laser für refraktiven Linsentausch
  • Sicherer, präziser und gewebeschonender
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive
Standard Linsenaustausch (Katarakt)
2.500 €
  • Price per eye
  • ab 48 Euro / Monat*
  • Katarakt, Alterssichtigkeit, Kurz- & Weitsichtigkeit
  • Hochwertige Standard Linsen (Lesebrille erforderlich)
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur nicht inklusive
Lifestyle lens replacement (cataract)
3.500 €
  • Price per eye
  • from 68 euros / month*
  • Katarakt, Alterssichtigkeit, Kurz- & Weitsichtigkeit
  • Spectacle-free thanks to custom-made multifocal lenses (trifocal / EDOF)
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive
Femtosecond laser surcharge
990 €
  • Price per eye
  • ab 29 Euro / Monat*
  • Computerassistierter Laser für refraktiven Linsentausch
  • Sicherer, präziser und gewebeschonender
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive

* The term is five years, and you have the opportunity to enjoy a rich, clear and cloudless view for significantly less than 100 euros per month.
Effective annual interest rate: 6,6%.
Prices are for one eye.

Refractive lens replacement Risks to the eye and lens

The risk profile is equally low for both standard and lifestyle lens replacements.
The success rate is over 98 percent.
Over the decades, monofocal and multifocal lenses have given millions of people a better life free of cataracts, presbyopia, and dependence on glasses or contact lenses.
As part of the preliminary examination and preparation for lens replacement at EyeLaser, you will receive comprehensive and transparent information about possible risks, side effects and complications:

  • Eye infection
  • Hypersensitivity to light and glare
  • Impaired vision in the dark
  • Reduced spatial vision
  • Excessive or insufficient correction (additional laser eye surgery / other IOL or vision device is required)
  • After cataracts – can be cured with laser treatment

Nevertheless, success can never be guaranteed, and even minimally invasive surgery involves certain risks.
However, we try to minimize them to the absolute minimum by using the most modern equipment, the highest medical standards and the experience of our surgeons.

Healing process and healing time after lens replacement surgery

Immediately after the minimally invasive procedure, most patients report that their vision vision has improved significantlyIt is.
It will take a few days before you can enjoy full visual acuity.
The brain must first get used to the new monocular or multifocal lens.
14 days the adjustment process is largely complete and – depending on the artificial lens – you can go without glasses and contact lenses permanently (lifestyle) or see clearly and wear reading glasses if necessary (standard).

With cataract lens replacement, blurred vision is immediately a thing of the past as soon as the artificial lens is implanted.
The new lens is transparent and cannot become cloudy, so you will never have a second cataract and progressive presbyopia will be stopped.

During the healing process, the following symptoms often occur temporary symptoms occur but they disappear quickly and are usually harmless:

  • Mild burning sensation in the eyes
  • Poor visibility at dusk and in the dark
  • Light phenomena (halo)
  • Foreign body sensation in the operated eye

In general, lens replacement and cataract surgery are very safe and tissue-sparing procedures.
The healing process is accelerated by
At least two further meetings under supervision and support.
To ensure rapid healing after lens replacement, your eye will be protected with a flap, and our doctors will prescribe appropriate medications to ensure healing without complications.

Before and after the lens replacement surgery, EyeLaser specialists will provide you with comprehensive information on what to look for and what to avoid after the procedure.
It is important that you follow the following rules
medical prescriptions Wait.
If it comes to that.
unexpected side effects we are always ready to help you.

Differences from lens implantation:

Lens implantation is also a part of vision correction surgery and differs from lens replacement in that the natural lens is not removed during implantation.
Instead, a phakic lens (EVO/EVO+ VISIAN ICL) is implanted, which can correct your vision defect.

Especially for patients who do not have cataracts suffer from suffer from serious visual defects (myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia and astigmatism) and are not suitable for laser eye surgery for laser eye surgery – for example, due to too thin cornea or dry eyes – Phake lens is a great way to become independent of vision aids and finally have sharp vision again. Learn more about lens implantation!

Organize an optional aptitude test and pre-employment screening

It doesn’t matter what kind of lens replacement surgery you choose.
One thing is certain: your life will change for the better.
To find out if lens replacement or lens implantation can make your life better, we invite you to a consultation
free aptitude test or for optional preliminary examination (200 euros including individualized treatment plan)* at our clinic in Vienna or Linz. Want to find out what is possible for you? Make an appointment for a free suitability testWant to know how we can help you? Schedule a free preliminary examination*.* Money-back guarantee: If the preliminary examination reveals that you are not suitable or you decide not to have EyeLaser treatment, we will only charge you for the cost of the eye examination.

THE MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Replacing refractive lenses at the laser vision correction center

Is it possible to replace the artificial lens?

Similar to refractive lens replacement, the artificial lens can be replaced on an outpatient basis.
If the refractive power changes or needs to change, a new, individually tailored multifocal or toric lens can be implanted.
The EyeLaser laser centers in Vienna and Linz will be happy to help you with refractive lens replacement, presbyopia correction and all other questions regarding lens surgery and laser eye surgery.

How long does a multifocal lens last?

Artificial lenses are usually designed to stay in the eye for the rest of your life.
In contrast to your own lens, the lens cannot become cloudy, which means that a (new) cataract cannot develop.
If there are no complications (e.g. secondary cataracts), the artificial lens can remain in the eye forever.

When can I return to work?

As a rule, after cataract surgery, patients go on sick leave for two weeks.
This helps to fully recover from cataract surgery or presbyopia correction and avoid eye strain in the initial period.
Of course, it also depends on your profession.
In particular, you should avoid physically demanding professions where there is a risk of eye damage (even by accident).

At EyeLaser, we will individually discuss with you how long you should refrain from work after the procedure and issue an appropriate sick leave.

What types of multifocal lenses are there?

There are now different types of multifocal lenses that are used to replace the natural lens.
The lens is implanted by replacing the lens and is crucial for the patient’s vision after surgery.
At EyeLaser, we mainly use multifocal lenses (MIOL) with three focal points (trifocal).
This allows you to see clearly at near, far and medium distances.

A further development of MIOL is the so-called EDOF lens.
It impresses with its improved depth of field at medium distances and provides even more natural transitions – similar to varifocal lenses.

Toric lens: If the lens is toric, it can correct astigmatism as well as other vision defects.

Does health insurance cover new lenses?

Replacing your natural lens with a premium lens can quickly become expensive.
However, due to clouding of the eye lens caused by cataracts and/or presbyopia, surgery is sometimes medically necessary.
Especially for people who cannot have laser vision correction and want to achieve independence from reading glasses, the costs may be covered by health insurance if:

  • Cataracts are treated with a monofocal lens (standard).
  • you have a confirmed intolerance and therefore cannot wear glasses or contact lenses despite your visual impairment.
  • In some cases: You suffer from a visual impairment of more than ten diopters and have a confirmed contact lens intolerance.
  • In some cases: Your vision is more than three diopters in both eyes and you cannot tolerate contact lenses.

Private co-payment for lifestyle options is also possible by agreement with a public or private health insurance fund.

You can learn more about the options for covering the cost of refractive lens replacement in the overview: Costs of lens replacement surgery.

Get to know the eye experts

Discover Austria’s most popular laser eye surgeons in the heart of Vienna and Linz

Dr. Victor Derhartunian
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

After learning his trade from the two pioneers of laser surgery,
Dr Victor Derhartunian is among the leading surgeons in Europe. He heads the practice in Vienna and can advise his patients in 5 languages.

Learn more
Dr. Paul Jirak
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

Dr. Paul Jirak is a co-founder of one of the most renowned centers for laser eye surgery in Austria and has been treating patients in Linz since 2014. He specialises in ophthalmology, optometry, eye surgery and eye lasers.

Learn more
Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Christina Leydolt
Ophthalmologist, Lens & cataract surgery specialist

Dr. Leydolt is an ophthalmologist specialised in cataract and lens surgery. She leads a research group with this focus, trains young surgeons and gives international and national lectures.

Learn more
Dr. Victor Derhartunian
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

After learning his trade from the two pioneers of laser surgery,
Dr Victor Derhartunian is among the leading surgeons in Europe. He heads the practice in Vienna and can advise his patients in 5 languages.

Learn more
Dr. Paul Jirak
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

Dr. Paul Jirak is a co-founder of one of the most renowned centers for laser eye surgery in Austria and has been treating patients in Linz since 2014. He specialises in ophthalmology, optometry, eye surgery and eye lasers.

Learn more
Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Christina Leydolt
Ophthalmologist, Lens & cataract surgery specialist

Dr. Leydolt is an ophthalmologist specialised in cataract and lens surgery. She leads a research group with this focus, trains young surgeons and gives international and national lectures.

Learn more