What is lens implantation?

Lens implantation is a modern, safe and promising treatment and an uncomplicated and sometimes even better alternative to laser eye surgery: In this variant of lens surgery, the natural lens is natural lens is left in the eye and replaced by an artificial lens (ICL). The artificial lens, which is individually adapted to you, changes the optics in such a way that all visual defects are corrected.

EVO/EVO+ VISIAN ICL: Premium artificial lenses

Frau bei der Untersuchung mit dem HD-Analysator vor der Laser-Augenkorrektur.

When you choose EyeLaser Vienna / Linz, you are opting for treatment using state-of-the-art equipment and the highest medical standards by internationally renowned, experienced surgeons.
Because quality is important to us, we rely on modern EVO/EVO+ VISIAN ICL artificial lenses – the most frequently used phakic lens in the world.
They are made from a patented material (Collamer), which is biocompatible, stable, durable and very well tolerated.
Your lens will be individually selected based on your visual acuity and, if necessary, custom-made so that you can enjoy the best possible optics after the minimally invasive procedure.

Who does lens implantation give a better life?

Frau bei einer gründlichen Augenuntersuchung vor der Laser-Augenkorrektur.

ICL lenses have a very wide range of applications, which is why many patients (aged 25 and over) opt for this modern, safe and effective form of lens surgery – and never regret their decision.

  • Lens implantation Myopia: up to -23 diopters
  • Lens implantation Farsightedness: up to +10 diopters
  • Lens implantation Astigmatism: Up to 10 diopters

The solution when laser eye surgery is not possible:

If you are not suitable for laser eye surgery, it is highly likely that lens implantation can give you the sharp vision you desire over all distances.
The use of an ICL Phakic lens is possible as an alternative to laser eye surgery itself for:

  • severe defective vision
  • Thin cornea
  • chronically dry eyes or contact lens intolerance
  • the desire for a reversible correction procedure
  • a conspicuously / irregularly shaped cornea – also keratoconus

Exclusion criteria are pregnancy, breastfeeding and too narrow an angle in the anterior chamber of your eye.

Spezialist analysiert das Augenbild eines Patienten auf dem Monitor vor der Laser-Augenkorrektur.

Are you suitable?
Free aptitude test at EyeLaser

For patients who are considering lens surgery to finally have a clear view of the finer things in life without glasses or contact lenses, we offer you a free & non-binding suitability test: 0 €

Make an appointment

Advantages of lens implantation (ICL):

Arzt erklärt dem Patienten die Details der Laser-Augenkorrektur und zeigt das Bild des Auges auf dem Bildschirm.

Correction of extreme visual defects

The range of treatments is so wide that even that even severe visual defects can be corrected where laser eye surgery is out of the question. ICL is even suitable for dry eyes and thin / deformed cornea possible.

Mann bei einer Augenuntersuchung vor der Laser-Augenkorrektur.

All-in-one solution

In most cases all visual defects can be corrected with the ICL lens. can be.
Short-sightedness, long-sightedness, presbyopia and
even astigmatism with one operation.

Paar auf einer Yacht, genießt klares Sehen nach einer Augenlaser-Operation.

Permanently do without visual aids

After the minimally invasive procedure, you will most likely not need glasses or contact lenses more.
The ICL is
interchangeablecauses no foreign body sensation and offers UV protection.

Arzt erklärt dem Patienten die Details der Laser-Augenkorrektur und zeigt das Bild des Auges auf dem Bildschirm.

Correction of extreme visual defects

The range of treatments is so wide that even that even severe visual defects can be corrected where laser eye surgery is out of the question. ICL is even suitable for dry eyes and thin / deformed cornea possible.

Mann bei einer Augenuntersuchung vor der Laser-Augenkorrektur.

All-in-one solution

In most cases all visual defects can be corrected with the ICL lens. can be.
Short-sightedness, long-sightedness, presbyopia and
even astigmatism with one operation.

Paar auf einer Yacht, genießt klares Sehen nach einer Augenlaser-Operation.

Permanently do without visual aids

After the minimally invasive procedure, you will most likely not need glasses or contact lenses more.
The ICL is
interchangeablecauses no foreign body sensation and offers UV protection.

Lens implantation costs: A good investment

Lens implantation costs: A good investment
3.500 €
  • from € 68 / month*
  • Severe visual defects & laser eye surgery not possible
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive
Lens implantation costs: A good investment
3.500 €
  • from € 68 / month*
  • Severe visual defects & laser eye surgery not possible
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive

On average spectacle wearers in the course of their lives over 10.000 € because of their defective vision.
People who wear daily disposable lenses use up this impressive sum in around 20 years.

Since lens implantation is a permanent solution, you can expect one-off costs plan.
There are no follow-up costs.
Calculated over its lifetime, the ICL lens beats conventional visual aids not only in financial terms, but above all in terms of quality of life.

* The term is five years and you have the opportunity to enjoy full, sharp and unclouded vision for significantly less than €100 per month.
Effective annual interest rate: 6.6 percent.
The prices refer to one eye.

Lens implantation procedure: 4 steps to clear vision

Lens implantation is a minimally minimally invasive procedureperformed at EyeLaser outpatient is performed.
You can therefore return home after the procedure.
The entire procedure, including preparation and follow-up, takes around two hours.
The actual treatment is usually completed in less than 20 minutes.

Minimal incision

Your eye is anesthetized with drops to ensure a pain-free procedure.
The surgeon makes a 2.80 to 3.00 millimeter tunnel incision at the edge of the cornea.

Insert ICL lens

The customized Phake lens is rolled so that it can be inserted through the tiny opening.

Lens unfolds

After the lens has unfolded, it is positioned precisely and the protective gel is removed by suction.
The incision heals automatically.

Aftercare / control

To ensure that your eyes heal as quickly as possible and that there are no complications, you will have the first of two check-up appointments the very next day, during which the position of the lens will be measured using a special OCT device.
Make sure that someone you trust picks you up in Vienna or Linz after the lens implantation – do not drive yourself immediately.

After a month at the latest, your brain will have become accustomed to the change in vision and you will see more clearly than ever before.

Differences to lens replacement:

Anyone already suffering from a cataract (cataract) or want to stop the want to stop the progression of presbyopia and want to correct other visual defects at the same time, should opt for a refractive lens exchange refractive lens exchange. The more advanced your age (55+) you are, the more worthwhile it is to consider a lens replacement instead of an ICL lens as the onset of presbyopia or cataracts can subsequently impair your sharp vision. Lens replacement permanently prevents presbyopia and cataracts.

In this procedure, the natural lens is completely removed and replaced with an artificial lens.
We offer two variants of lens replacement at EyeLaser:

Standard cataract surgery

In a standard cataract operation, we insert a standard premium lens, but you will still be dependent on reading glasses afterwards.
However, the procedure is less expensive.

Lifestyle cataract treatment

With Lifestyle cataract treatment, you are permanently independent of visual aids and can see clearly and unclouded over all distances thanks to custom-made multifocal lenses.

Arrange a non-binding aptitude test & preliminary examination

The decision to have lens surgery should be carefully considered.
But one thing is certain: it will change your life for the better.
In a free suitability test or a non-binding preliminary examination (€200 incl. individual treatment plan)*, you will find out whether and which laser eye or lens surgery option can give you sharp vision and freedom from glasses.

Aptitude test

Would you like to know what is possible for you?

Preliminary examination

Would you like to know how we make it possible?

* Money-back guarantee: If it turns out during the preliminary examination that you are not suitable after all or you decide against treatment at EyeLaser, we will only charge you the costs of the ophthalmologic examination.

How long does ICL implantation take to heal?

The additional lens in your eye changes the visual impression that your brain has to process into an image.
You will have a
Improvement immediately after the procedure perceive.
After two weeks, most of the adaptation of the brain is complete and vision is permanently clearer than before the operation.

After one month, ICL healing and adaptation are completeso that you can see more clearly than ever before. Any unfamiliar feeling you may have had after implantation is gone and you can do without glasses or contact lenses in the future*. *Patients over 40 with the onset of presbyopia may need to wear reading glasses – unless the ICL is exchanged or replaced with a monofocal lens (standard lens exchange) or a multifocal lens (lifestyle lens exchange).

Rapid healing thanks to tissue-sparing procedure:

The fact that only a minimal incision is made during lens surgery, which heals by itself, means that the ICL healing process usually without complications and within a few days.

In contrast to other laser eye treatments and lens replacement, no tissue or natural lens is removed.
Only the artificial lens is inserted into your eye, but you will not feel it.
The ICL lens does not form any structures in the eye and is firmly in place after around two weeks.

It is important that you avoid rubbing your eyes for two weeks – even when you are asleep.
You will be given a protective flap for this.
Light sporting activities are possible again the day after the minimally invasive procedure.

We will be happy to inform you about further regulations before and after your lens implantation at EyeLaser.

Lens implantation FAQ:

Lens implantation or laser eye surgery?

Which eye treatment is suitable for you always depends on the individual case.
It is not possible to generalize whether laser eye surgery or lens implantation is better or worse.
Laser eye surgery is usually the preferred option, especially for small and medium visual defects.

If the vision is too severe or there are other reasons why laser eye surgery is not possible, lens implantation is at least an equivalent alternative. equivalent alternative are.
If progressive presbyopia is to be stopped or a cataract is to be permanently removed, a
Lens replacement (standard or lifestyle) is the most advantageous option.
Another alternative to ICL lenses and refractive lens exchange is the PresbyMAX laser procedure.

Lens surgery and laser eye surgery are not fundamentally mutually exclusive.
In the case of particularly complex visual defects and cumulative occurrence (e.g. long-sightedness, short-sightedness and astigmatism), the
Lens surgery with laser eye surgery combined.
This is called
Die Kunstlinse wird zur groben Korrektur des Sehfehlers eingesetzt und nach drei bis sechs Monaten folgt der Feinschliff durch LASIK Augenlasern.

How long does an implanted ICL lens last?

The high-quality lens implants have a
Service life of at least 90 years and are therefore suitable to remain in the patient’s eye for a lifetime.
The correction of defective vision is not time-limited, as long as your visual acuity does not change or presbyopia sets in.

The Phakic lens cannot prevent presbyopia.
If you are affected later in life, the artificial lens can be removed and a refractive lens exchange performed.
Lens replacement prevents the progression of presbyopia and the formation of a cataract.

How long does a lens implantation take?

Allow at least two hours for your lens treatment at EyeLaser.
However, the actual procedure takes
only 20 to a maximum of 30 minutes and is completely painless for you thanks to anesthetic eye drops. painless.

If you are to have an ICL artificial lens inserted in both eyes, this will be done immediately afterwards.
This means you do not have to come back several times.
The next time we will see you for follow-up care.

What should I not do after inserting an ICL artificial lens?
  • Do not rub your eyes for 2 weeks – even if it itches
  • 1 month no ball sports and martial arts
  • Avoid sauna, solarium, swimming pool and eye make-up for 2 weeks
  • Do not take any medication that has not been prescribed or approved by your doctor
  • Drive a car / operate heavy machinery immediately after the procedure

During your visit to our eye clinic in Vienna or Linz, we will provide you with comprehensive information about what you need to look out for after your lens implantation.
You will also be given a protective eye patch after the procedure, which protects the eye from friction, especially during sleep, and
Medication that accelerates and supports the healing process and support the healing process.

Showering, washing your hair, going for a walk, participating in everyday life and light exertion are no problem on the day of the minimally invasive procedure.
The most important thing is that the
lens does not slip due to physical impact.

What happens if my visual acuity changes?

Since a a stable visual acuity is a basic requirement for ICL lens implantation, it is rare for your vision to change so much in the medium term that you can no longer see clearly.
If your visual acuity has changed by more than one diopter in the last year, ICL surgery is not recommended.

In the event that your visual defect does change, the ICL can be replaced at any time with a new, better fitting lens at any time. lens.

Get to know the eye experts

Discover Austria’s most popular laser eye surgeons in the heart of Vienna and Linz

Dr. Victor Derhartunian
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

After learning his trade from the two pioneers of laser surgery,
Dr Victor Derhartunian is among the leading surgeons in Europe. He heads the practice in Vienna and can advise his patients in 5 languages.

Learn more
Dr. Paul Jirak
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

Dr. Paul Jirak is a co-founder of one of the most renowned centers for laser eye surgery in Austria and has been treating patients in Linz since 2014. He specialises in ophthalmology, optometry, eye surgery and eye lasers.

Learn more
Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Christina Leydolt
Ophthalmologist, Lens & cataract surgery specialist

Dr. Leydolt is an ophthalmologist specialised in cataract and lens surgery. She leads a research group with this focus, trains young surgeons and gives international and national lectures.

Learn more
Dr. Victor Derhartunian
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

After learning his trade from the two pioneers of laser surgery,
Dr Victor Derhartunian is among the leading surgeons in Europe. He heads the practice in Vienna and can advise his patients in 5 languages.

Learn more
Dr. Paul Jirak
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

Dr. Paul Jirak is a co-founder of one of the most renowned centers for laser eye surgery in Austria and has been treating patients in Linz since 2014. He specialises in ophthalmology, optometry, eye surgery and eye lasers.

Learn more
Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Christina Leydolt
Ophthalmologist, Lens & cataract surgery specialist

Dr. Leydolt is an ophthalmologist specialised in cataract and lens surgery. She leads a research group with this focus, trains young surgeons and gives international and national lectures.

Learn more