Costs for aptitude test & comprehensive preliminary examination

Safe and successful treatment begins with a suitability test and a comprehensive examination of your eyes.
We rely on state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and the experience of our surgeons, who have already made thousands of lives better through lens surgery.

Aptitude test
0 €

Find out whether lens surgery is possible for you. Perfect for patients who are considering having their vision corrected.

Suitability test + holistic preliminary examination
200 €

Complete examination, precise measurement, consultation & creation of an individual treatment plan. Suitable for patients who have already made the decision.

Have a risk-free examination!

After your aptitude test and preliminary examination, you will know exactly whether a correction is possible.
If we find out that you are not suitable for laser eye or lens surgery or that you do not want treatment after all, that is perfectly fine.

We will also talk to you about which treatment (lens exchange or lens implantation) and which lens is suitable for your visual defect, what exactly the advantages and disadvantages may be and what the lens operation will cost.

So that you can make the decision for your lens surgery with a good feeling and conviction based on medical knowledge and professional advice.

Lens implantation: Phakic lens ICL / IPCL Costs

Perfectly suited for patients with severe visual defects.
Unique alternative to laser eye surgery.
Thanks to the enormous treatment spectrum, the ICL artificial lens over the natural lens has already given over 1,000,000 people clear vision without visual aids:

ICL / IPCL Phake lens
3.500 €
  • from 68 Euro / month
  • Severe visual defects & laser eye surgery not possible
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive
ICL / IPCL Phake lens
3.500 €
  • from 68 Euro / month
  • Severe visual defects & laser eye surgery not possible
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive

Lens exchange: Standard cataract costs

Replace the natural lens that is responsible for the defective vision or is clouded by a cataract with a high-quality standard lens.
Less expensive, but most people still need reading glasses – in addition to razor-sharp vision:

2.500 €
  • from 48 € / month
  • Katarakt, Alterssichtigkeit, Kurz- & Weitsichtigkeit
  • Hochwertige Standard Linsen (Lesebrille erforderlich)
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur nicht inklusive
2.500 €
  • from 48 € / month
  • Katarakt, Alterssichtigkeit, Kurz- & Weitsichtigkeit
  • Hochwertige Standard Linsen (Lesebrille erforderlich)
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur nicht inklusive

Surcharge: FemtoLaser costs

The use of a femto laser (optional!) makes refractive lens replacement even safer, more precise and gentler.
The laser works more delicately than a manual scalpel ever could.
However, this option has no effect on visual acuity.
Nevertheless, it is worthwhile:

990 €
  • from 29 € / month
  • Computerassistierter Laser für refraktiven Linsentausch
  • Sicherer, präziser und gewebeschonender
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive
990 €
  • from 29 € / month
  • Computerassistierter Laser für refraktiven Linsentausch
  • Sicherer, präziser und gewebeschonender
  • Astigmatismus Korrektur inklusive

Lens surgery financing – as flexible as your life

Free from defective vision and cataracts: you don’t necessarily have to be financially secure to achieve this.
With the help of our partner bank, we can provide you with life-changing treatment without you having to pay the cost of lens surgery in one go.

Lens implantation ICL
3.500 €

(68 € / month)

Refractive lens exchange Lifestyle
68 €

Price per month

Refractive lens exchange standard
48 €

Price per month

FemtoLaser surcharge
29 €

Price per month

Lens implantation ICL
3.500 €

(68 € / month)

Refractive lens exchange Lifestyle
68 €

Price per month

Refractive lens exchange standard
48 €

Price per month

FemtoLaser surcharge
29 €

Price per month

* The term is five years and you have the opportunity to enjoy full, sharp and unclouded vision for significantly less than €100 per month.
Effective annual interest rate: 6.6 percent.
The prices refer to one eye.

Interest-free, no deposit & no credit only at EyeLaser

If you don’t want to pay for your investment in clear vision in one go, but also don’t want to take out a loan, we at EyeLaser offer you the following option of paying for lens surgery in installments at no extra cost:

  • Loan in the amount of the full treatment costs
  • No interest – You only pay for the treatment
  • Convenient payment in 6 monthly installments

Lens surgery health insurance: costs covered?

Whether lens replacement or lens implantation: statutory health insurance providers such as GKK or SVA do not generally cover the costs of lens surgery if the operation is performed to correct a visual defect.
With the
Treatment of cataracts the health insurance company is always in demand.
The prerequisite for reimbursement is that the treatment is medically necessary.

We believe that a clear view is a basic prerequisite for human health and that everyone is entitled to it.
Unfortunately, this does not change the fact that health policy and health insurance companies are currently
Lens surgery to correct short-sightedness, long-sightedness, presbyopia and astigmatism as not medically necessary are not medically necessary.

But there are exceptions.
In the following constellations
Covering the costs of lens surgery possible:

  • You have a proven intolerance and therefore cannot wear glasses or contact lenses despite having defective vision.
  • In some cases: You suffer from a visual impairment of more than ten diopters and a proven intolerance to contact lenses.
  • In some cases: Your visual defect differs between the two eyes by more than three diopters and contact lenses are not tolerated.

Whether or not your health insurance covers the costs of lens replacement or lens implantation depends on the contract, your visual defect/eye condition and the medical necessity.

Report of findings for your insurance company: Request cost coverage

During your ophthalmologic examination, we will check the decisive criteria and prepare an official clinical report for you.
You can use this report to contact your health insurance company and find out whether and how much of the lens surgery costs will be covered.

Make an appointment

Cataract insurance: What is covered by health insurance?

In contrast to defective vision (short-sightedness, long-sightedness, presbyopia and astigmatism), a cataract is an eye condition that requires medical treatment.
Health insurance companies are therefore obliged to cover appropriate treatment.

The costs of cataract surgery with monofocal lenses will be covered.

If you opt for standard cataract surgery, you will be fitted with a monofocal lens, which may be covered by your health insurance.
Please clarify this with your health insurance provider in advance.

At EyeLaser, however, we are increasingly using high-quality multifocal lenses in the course of lifestyle cataract surgery because they offer significantly better optics and give patients a better life in the long term.
Talk to your health insurance provider in advance and agree a private co-payment so that you receive the best possible medical treatment and do not have to compromise on your health.

Private health insurance companies sometimes cover the costs:

The terms and conditions of private health insurance policies may differ from those of statutory health insurance.
So check your contract and find out whether you are entitled to additional benefits that include lens surgery.
If the treatment is medically necessary and the statutory health insurance would cover the procedure (e.g. spectacle and contact lens intolerance), there is a good chance that your private health insurance will do the same.

Depending on your tariff, it is possible that the costs of lens surgery will be reimbursed in full or in part by your insurance company – regardless of medical necessity.

If you are dependent on the costs of lens surgery being covered, you should always enquire beforehand with the results and cost estimate from the initial examination and clarify the extent to which your insurance will cover the procedure.
EyeLaser is a private clinic that does not offer treatments covered by health insurance – however, this does not mean per se that your health insurance will not pay.

Our insurance partners:

EyeLaser works together with the following private health insurers.
We will be happy to advise you on the possible assumption of costs for lens operations by your health insurance company!

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Get to know the eye experts

Discover Austria’s most popular laser eye surgeons in the heart of Vienna and Linz

Dr. Victor Derhartunian
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

After learning his trade from the two pioneers of laser surgery,
Dr Victor Derhartunian is among the leading surgeons in Europe. He heads the practice in Vienna and can advise his patients in 5 languages.

Learn more
Dr. Paul Jirak
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

Dr. Paul Jirak is a co-founder of one of the most renowned centers for laser eye surgery in Austria and has been treating patients in Linz since 2014. He specialises in ophthalmology, optometry, eye surgery and eye lasers.

Learn more
Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Christina Leydolt
Ophthalmologist, Lens & cataract surgery specialist

Dr. Leydolt is an ophthalmologist specialised in cataract and lens surgery. She leads a research group with this focus, trains young surgeons and gives international and national lectures.

Learn more
Dr. Victor Derhartunian
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

After learning his trade from the two pioneers of laser surgery,
Dr Victor Derhartunian is among the leading surgeons in Europe. He heads the practice in Vienna and can advise his patients in 5 languages.

Learn more
Dr. Paul Jirak
Ophthalmologist, Refractive surgery specialist

Dr. Paul Jirak is a co-founder of one of the most renowned centers for laser eye surgery in Austria and has been treating patients in Linz since 2014. He specialises in ophthalmology, optometry, eye surgery and eye lasers.

Learn more
Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Christina Leydolt
Ophthalmologist, Lens & cataract surgery specialist

Dr. Leydolt is an ophthalmologist specialised in cataract and lens surgery. She leads a research group with this focus, trains young surgeons and gives international and national lectures.

Learn more

Lens surgery costs: FAQ

How long does an artificial lens last?

We use high-quality lenses that are designed to stay in the eye for a lifetime.
ICL lenses have a durability of at least 90 years on.
If a cataract develops with increasing age, the lens implant can simply be exchanged for a monofocal or multifocal artificial lens (standard or lifestyle lens exchange / cataract).

Multifocal lenses also usually do not need to be exchanged become.
If you have your natural lens replaced with such an artificial lens, you can no longer develop cataracts.
This is because the multifocal lens cannot become cloudy.

The costs of lens surgery are therefore an investment that pays off for you every day.
In rare cases, a visual defect persists after lens surgery.
This can usually be corrected by laser eye treatment.
You only pay 50 percent of the regular price for this fine-tuning.

Is lens implantation / lens exchange better than laser eye surgery?

No. Lens surgery and laser eye surgery are two different procedures for the correction of vision defects and eye diseases, which are equally good work.
Only the
There are different areas of application. Whether you need lens implantation, lens exchange or laser eye surgery depends on you and we at EyeLaser will find the safest and most promising treatment method. Refractive lens exchange: It is particularly suitable for the treatment of cataracts because the clouded lens cannot be replaced / cleared with a laser alone.
The indication is therefore the healing of cataracts – the correction of visual defects is a positive side effect.
Lens replacement is also an attractive alternative to laser eye surgery for presbyopia, as multifocal lenses can correct all visual defects (short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism) at the same time.
You then no longer need glasses or contact lenses and cannot develop cataracts.
Presbyopia can, however, also be treated with a laser through the PresbyMAX.

ICL Phake lens (lens implantation): Often used when the visual defect is so severe that conventional laser treatment is not possible.
The artificial lens is inserted behind the pupil and can therefore also compensate for extreme short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism.

The costs for a lens operation are usually higher than the laser eye surgery costs.
For this reason, these methods are usually used when they are the
Safer, more effective and sometimes the only alternative to laser eye surgery are.
Lens exchange and lens implantation enable patients to live without visual defects and visual aids, who would otherwise be permanently restricted and may even go blind due to cataracts.

Are multifocal lenses covered by health insurance?

Even though multifocal lenses are the most modern and advantageous variant of artificial lenses in the course of lens surgery, they are not usually covered by statutory or private health insurance. not covered by statutory or private health insurance. Formally, these are considered “not medically necessary”.
Even if a cataract is present, the health insurance company will unfortunately
only monofocal lenses (with EyeLaser: standard cataract surgery).

If you meet the requirements for the costs of lens surgery to be covered, you can clarify with your health insurance company whether a private co-payment (for the better multifocal lenses) is possible.
This means that your private contribution only amounts to the difference between monocular and multifocal lenses.

At EyeLaser, we work with high-quality multifocal lenses for the benefit of our patients and for the best refractive lens exchange results. with high-quality multifocal lenses.
Bieten aber auch den Einsatz von Monofokallinsen im Zuge eines Linsentauschs (wegen Katarakt oder anderen Fehlsichtigkeiten) an.

Why are lens operations so expensive?

This question (understandably) arises for many people.
A variety of factors play a role in pricing.
Excessive money due to the suffering of patients with defective vision and eye diseases is not one of them.

The main cost driver is the equipment at the EyeLaser Clinic.
The diagnostic equipment alone costs around
300.000 €.
Unser moderner Femto-Laser der neuesten Generation – der nur für den ersten Schnitt genutzt wird – schlägt mit circa einer
half a million euros to book.
In practice, the cost of consumables is between
350 and 450 € per use (eye). Added to this are the costs for your premium lens implants (EVO/EVO+ VISIAN ICL), standard monofocal lenses or lenses made just for you (trifocal / EDOF) multifocal lenses.
Außerdem in die Kalkulation einfließen müssen:

  • Premises
  • Employees
  • Insurances

In the end, wisdom prevails: Quality has its price. And with such an important medical procedure, you should not save money at the wrong end. For a fair price, EyeLaser provides you with state-of-the-art equipment (lasers, lenses & co.), experienced surgeons (e.g. Dr. Derhartunian: 18 years of training, decades of professional experience and world-renowned) and therefore the safest, most promising treatment to the highest standards.

Can the cost of lens surgery be deducted from tax?

Yes! In principle, you can deduct at least part of the costs incurred for lens surgery from your tax bill.
This means that you compensate for part of the treatment costs through the reduced tax burden.

A decision has clarified that laser eye surgery and lens replacement as well as lens implantation may not be categorized as business expenses.
Instead, these are
Medical expenses in the sense of “extraordinary expenses”. Similar to claiming the cost of purchasing glasses, you are generally entitled to a tax rebate. The “extraordinary burden” is defined in § 34 EstG and can be checked with the help of these three criteria:

  1. Exceptionality: Higher expenses than the majority of the taxable population.
    In the case of laser eye surgery or lens surgery, which can cost several thousand euros, this condition is usually assumed.
  2. Necessity: Normally unproblematic in the case of lens operations.
    It is more controversial with care services, for example.
  3. Impairment of economic performance

Please note that the tax deductibility of medical expenses (which are classed as extraordinary expenses) is subject to a deductible is provided for.
This is determined as a percentage of annual income and is between
six and 12 percent. In special circumstances, it can be reduced by one percent (e.g. for single earners or single parents).
With a certificate stating that a special medical service has been provided, a
full deduction possible.

According to the law, the term “medical expenses” covers all therapeutic measures that are intended to cure an illness.
Unlike cataracts, defective vision is not a recognized medical condition, but treatment costs are still covered.
This is because expenses for medical aids (e.g. glasses) are also recognized.

If the requirements are met, you can pay the costs for the medical treatment (lens replacement or lens implantation) and the costs of medical care and accommodation. medical care and the stay deductible.
If your health insurance covers all or part of your lens surgery, this also has an impact on your tax treatment.

If you are unsure, it is best to ask your tax advisor, your contact at EyeLaser or the relevant tax office.