What does laser eye surgery cost? Why is laser eye surgery cheaper in other countries?

Author: Dr. Victor Derhartunian 6 December 2021

If you take into account the cost of glasses, contact lenses and accessories, the cost of laser correction is put into perspective considerably.
It is often said that laser vision correction is much cheaper abroad and this is true.
However, if you compare treatments at the same quality level, this comparison is no longer valid.
Furthermore, you have to reckon with high travel costs and above all: if you have problems after the treatment, your surgeon will not be available to you.
At EyeLaser we can of course guarantee this, we are there for you around the clock if you need us. I cordially invite you to book an appointment for a preliminary examination via our online system.
This preliminary examination is an essential step on the way to a life without glasses.
I look forward to welcoming you to EyeLaser.


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Dr. Victor Derhartunian

Nachdem er sein Handwerk von den beiden Pionieren der Laserchirurgie gelernt hat, gehört Dr. Victor Derhartunian zu den führenden Augenlaser-Chirurgen. Er leitet die Praxis in Wien und kann seine Patienten in fünf Sprachen beraten.