What is a phakic intraocular lens?

Author: Dr. Victor Derhartunian 30 July 2021

Dr. Paul Jirak explains what a phakic intraocular lens is.

A phakic intraocular lens is a lens implant that is implanted in the eye in addition to the patient’s own lens.
It enables the correction of visual defects to an almost unlimited extent.
These procedures are used in particular when laser vision correction is not possible.  

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Dr. Victor Derhartunian

Nachdem er sein Handwerk von den beiden Pionieren der Laserchirurgie gelernt hat, gehört Dr. Victor Derhartunian zu den führenden Augenlaser-Chirurgen. Er leitet die Praxis in Wien und kann seine Patienten in fünf Sprachen beraten.