How do patients feel after LASIK?

Author: Dr. Victor Derhartunian 6 December 2021

The best thing about LASIK for the surgeon is that the patient can actually see quite clearly as soon as they sit up after the operation.
Sometimes the vision may still be a little milky and the eye may still water slightly, but patients are very surprised.
In the first few hours, however, it is better to keep your eyes closed and rest.

As a rule, it is possible to drive a motor vehicle the very next day without any further problems.

It is important to take the drops as prescribed after the operation and to protect the eyes for a while.
In particular, you should avoid touching the eye directly.
This is the best way to allow your vision to recover and the findings to stabilize. I cordially invite you to book an appointment for a preliminary examination via our online system.
This preliminary examination is an essential step on the way to a life without glasses.
I look forward to welcoming you to EyeLaser.


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Dr. Victor Derhartunian

Nachdem er sein Handwerk von den beiden Pionieren der Laserchirurgie gelernt hat, gehört Dr. Victor Derhartunian zu den führenden Augenlaser-Chirurgen. Er leitet die Praxis in Wien und kann seine Patienten in fünf Sprachen beraten.