Laser eye surgery and make-up?

Author: Dr. Victor Derhartunian 28 July 2021

Dr. Victor Derhartunian explains whether you should wear make-up before and after laser eye surgery

Many people ask themselves, what should I do with the make-up before and after the operation?
Most people actually ask what happens after the operation?
Actually, the most important step is that you don’t wear any make-up at all directly before the operation, and not just the make-up around the eyes, but also no cream at all, from the neck onwards, so to speak, because during the operation there can be a transfer of smears into the eye, and that is of course very bad for the surgeon, because you have to rinse more.
Any additional particles that may not be present in the surgical field increase the likelihood of infection.
It’s exactly the same after the operation.
Here it is no longer important to use lipstick or cream, of course, but that you do not use any make-up in the immediate eye area for at least a week.
That means no mascara, no mascara, and nothing like that. It’s all about making sure that we don’t get any infections after the successful operation.  

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Dr. Victor Derhartunian

Nachdem er sein Handwerk von den beiden Pionieren der Laserchirurgie gelernt hat, gehört Dr. Victor Derhartunian zu den führenden Augenlaser-Chirurgen. Er leitet die Praxis in Wien und kann seine Patienten in fünf Sprachen beraten.